Thursday, November 20, 2008


I guess there will really only be one good girlfriend throughout the duration of a man's life; and that would be whomever he marries. All the rest will merely cause heartache in one form of another.

And that wholeheartedly applies to his friends' girlfriends. Because once your best friends find girlfriends, suddenly you only see them once a month. And sometimes even during that once a month, that wretched girlfriend shows up, and then you really might as well not be there.

Being surrounded by friends who are in love is the pits. A big shitty, self loathing pit(s.) Sometimes it makes you wonder why everyone around you is dropping like flies, and you are still buzzing about. Wtf does that statement even mean, dropping like flies? I feel like, in the English language, we don't know the meaning of half of the things that we say. I mean we can understand them contextually, but not literally. I have no idea what the hell 'dropping like flies' really means, or from where the saying was derived.

I feel rather obnoxious not posting on here for almost 3 weeks and when I finally do, it is absurdly emo. Sorry. I have been doing a lot of other writing.

I'm just tired of best friends' girlfriends stealing my best friends. That's all.


Carla said...

not to be a know it all because you're clearly having a hard day, but just to specify... dropping like flies is used as an allusion, not a literal translation.. so it doesn't matter that it doesn't really mean anything it just symbolizes how easily your friends fall out of your life when they get girlfriends.

But you usually seem to have your fair share of girlfriends as well, so maybe you're friends are just trying to keep up with you.

Jessa said...

i really really hate that. its the same for girls when our friends date lame guys.

we can be boyfriend/girlfriend haters together. boyfriend/girlfriend style.

Dave said...

Shakespeare, in Henry VI, Part 2 (1595), "The common people swarm like summer flies,"

I would guess that the original phrase was not "dropping like flies." people probably just said that people do things "like flies" to mean that a lot of people do them (because flies ususally do everything in big groups.)

eventually, when a lot of people or animals or something started dying, people probably started saying they were "dropping like flies" and it caught on.

Just a guess.

about finding that "one" girlfriend--consider the following lines from the "blood drive" episode of "the office":

Meredith: She could be your soul mate.
Dwight: Oh, not likely. 3 billion woman on the planet, most of them live in Asia so the numbers just don't add up.
