Saturday, December 27, 2008

Wanting the impossible

Why do I always want precisely what I can not have?

I want a Mac book. I can't afford a Mac book.

I want a degree that is useful. I shall have no such thing.

I want to go to Portland next week. I have to settle instead for San Francisco.

I want eyes that don't suck, that aren't so blurry. I have a degenerative eye disorder, thus they grow exponentially worse, year after year.

I want to be a better person. I can't seem to make that happen.

I want to feel driven, to have a purpose. I can't seem to find one.

I want to exercise and feel good again. I am to afraid of starting and not being able to run even a mile.

I want a girl. I can't have her.

She is taken.

And so it goes.


Joliene said...

San Francisco's not all that bad :P

Dave said...

Dude, you are SO tortured.

Joliene said...

Well, I might not be able to arrange the deaths of lots of animals, but would you settle for gnomes?

Angie said...

Ok. That's it. You are officially my new jogging partner. BYU indoor track baby. Let's start asap. You down?