Thursday, September 4, 2008

Mannerific scents

Sometimes I am astonished at how quickly a man's room can take on a distinct, pungent smell. I mean, I am a rather clean person. I wash my sheets, I keep my clothing clean, I bathe frequently. I don't allow garbage and rotting refuse to build up in my room.

The other day, I closed my window (after all the water blew in a soaked my bed.) I left for a few hours. Upon returning, my room had that distinct "man smell." I don't understand how this happened. I wasn't even in the room, therefore the smell couldn't have emanated from my body. I had virtually no dirty clothing in the room. My sheets and blanket have been recently washed. The only thing I can fathom, is that perhaps the smell is seeping out of the mattresses. Or perhaps the carpet. There must be a rather stellar collection of man essence built up on this house owned mattress and carpet that have probably never been cleaned since conception.

I'm a little pist about it, as it makes me feel like a gross person. Which I am not. Really. Not even a little gross.

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